About Me

Hutsville, Alabama, United States

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Alabama Defensive Pistol Academy

This week I got my certificate from attending the May 12th Basic IDPA Tactics class with Matt Simms and Stanley Smith.

First let me say I had never attended a IDPA event before this training and was not sure what to expect. At the first the class started out good, I did learn a lot. This was an 8 hour class and after lunch I could tell things were progressing to fast. Some of the other members were definitely not beginners and I think had asked for more scenarios. I think this deviated from the course outline and I was not impressed with the afternoon session. However I did learn some things, so I do not want to give people an idea the class was not worth the time. It was and the 3 hours round trip I spent driving to get there was worth it as well.

What I did find out, is not every technique is well suited for everyone.

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